The need to keep themselves up-to-date…
Tieo Takahashi
When we began this editorial, we remembered the reason for the formation of the Angle Orthodontics Study Group. It was the need of each one to converse with colleagues from the same area, present his or her cases and receive opinions on his or her diagnosis, planning and undertaking of each clinical case. It was also to share his or her opinion on the clinical cases presented by other colleagues. The results were simply fantastic for everybody.
The invitation to professionals and professors from other centers put our knowledge on a stronger basis and provided us with the idea of inviting other colleagues to our meetings, and opening the group to new companions was a consequence. Today we see the entity increasingly strong and with rational knowledge.
In 1969, in the Tweed Foundation, while we were examining atypical cases treated, we noted a certain feeling of sadness on the part of Dr Tweed when he commented that the triangle was sometimes contested by professionals who thought that the numbers were immutable and had to be attained systematically in all cases but who forgot that the patient’s morphological and genetic conditions had to be respected, and that the numbers were for the guidance of the professionals.
In the same way, today one still hears professionals saying that they avoid extracting teeth so as not to impair the profile, when in reality the exaggerated retraction and/or protrusion of the incisors and clockwise rotation of the mandible in the treatment, which impair the patient’s profile, do not depend on the recommended technique, but, rather, on the failure to use a good diagnosis, planning and correct undertaking of the technique used.
It even seems ironic, as the technological advance of orthodontic materials and new techniques, with the advantages that these bring, make it easier for the professional to carry out orthodontic correction with greater comfort to the patient. Why do we increasingly see patients who have often spent their whole youth with dental braces and have to suffer further treatment? Is this neglect on the part of the professional, thinking only of hoarding patients, without being concerned about the outcome of the cases? Is this a shortcoming of the specialized training courses? Is it lack of interest in studying on the part of student or professional? We have to think of and seek solutions.
In spite of everything, we believe that we had, have and always shall have professors and professionals who are concerned with the exercising of good orthodontics and who are always aware of the need to keep themselves up-to-date and to be open to receive new, concrete technologies to benefit the patients.
Tieo Takahashi []
Associate Founder