Orthodontics 39 years ago…
José Carlos Munhoz da Cunha
It’s difficult to imagine orthodontics 39 years ago. Outside the Rio-São Paulo axis the specialists were few and far between; those there were, were to be found almost only in the regional capitals, and could be counted on the fingers of one’s hands. Difficulty in keeping up-to-date and the scarcity of specific literature were also features of that time.
It was in this period that a group of recently-qualified MAs and specialists from Paraná founded the Angle Orthodontics Study Group. The name was chosen in homage to Edward H Angle, the father of modern Orthodontics.
Their objective was to create a forum for debate, so as to improve knowledge and facilitate the exchange of experiences between the colleagues on diagnosis, orthodontic mechanics, and the stability of the treatments: in summary, how to undertake orthodontics in a way that was more scientific and had better clinical results. The society also proposed to bring in professionals with greater experience, from other cities, other states and even other countries, researchers, professors and clinicians, to run courses and give lectures; from frank and open discussion come new perspectives and new challenges.
In the beginning, the meetings – four per year – were closed. Participation was limited to the founding members of the group and people invited specifically to attend the meetings (for example myself, after concluding my Master’s degree in Orthodontics). Currently, the meetings are open, with orthodontists, postgraduate students and undergraduates attending, and are characterized by the excellence of the lecturers and by the Group’s characteristic of direct questioning in search for the scientific truth.
The Angle Study Group achieved its objectives, and is known and respected by Brazil’s best orthodontists. It is a model for continuous education in orthodontics and has benefitted equally its founders, associates and all those who attend its meetings.
So, I extend my thanks to the Angle Orthodontics Study Group
NB: the Angle Orthodontics Study Group is registered with the Regional Odontology Council (ROC) as an entity representative of the Dentistry Class. The society’s statutes regulate the entrance of new members; to become a member the candidate must have the title of specialist in orthodontics, recognized by the ROC, must be approved in general assembly, and must accept clinical evaluation (presentation of five initial and final clinical cases, documented in accordance with the standard required by the Group).
José Carlos Munhoz da Cunha [munhozcunha@ig.com.br]
1st Associate of the Angle Study Group